Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Its been a while..

ullaah mn zeman mo katba shay... Actually mn zeman mo 7asa enni i needed to write anything.. Elyom my cousin told my sister enha 7almana eb uboy... oo zebdat el 7elm enna my dad was za3lan 3alaina bel 7elm... Fasart el 7elm eb kaifi oo 7asait enna for some reason mo rathi 3alaina cuz its been a while since i visited him bel magbara.. It really has been a while... So bacher e9eb7 gabel el dawam lazem aro7... I miss him;***

I hate men... So i'm withdrawing forever... And i hate girls so that rules out lesbianism... So my new plan is enni i drop out of jam3a, ahajer waro7 Cuba washteri a crappy saikal, and live in a portable tent... Ofcourse i shall ruin every means of communication... EXILE! I might allow only 5 people to know my whereabouts. I will buy a boat to go fishing to make some money, won't need much... And i will live happily ever after.


  1. loool.. if that works out for you just send me a note so that i can join..

  2. Standy loool umi ma rethat 3ala my plans! Not that i need approval, bss she has the cash!

    woow that makes my day dreams look so realistic *-*

  4. Faith Looool ee drastic times call for drastic measures...
