Sunday, December 20, 2009

Not worth it...

I'm in a phase in my life where everything seems so clear. I feel that I have drastically grown up in the past couple of months... I'm executing every plan I had previously decided upon and i'm getting closer by the second to reaching my goal... As I get closer and closer to what I want, I realize that it doesn't mean anything if you weren't here to share it with. I miss you, friend. I'm grateful you still care about my wellbeing.

"Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years."

"A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself."

I'll always be your friend... Keep doing great man and keep making me proud. Goodnight;*

Monday, December 14, 2009

Getting to know you tag...

Thaaank you confessions for tagging me;* Wanasa awal marra i get tagged.

1- Whats ur fav Disney movie of all time?

Akeed... Beauty and the Beast... Its the only disney movie that still gives me goosebumps and I learn something new every time I watch it. Also, it reminds me of one of my best friends who I miss very much.

2-Your favorite Disney song?

- Tale as old as time
- Kiss the girl (from The Little Mermaid)

3- Your top 3 favorite things to watch as a kid?

- Boy Meets World
- Full House
- 7th Heaven

Waayhh I miss those shows!

4- Your funniest badliya?

Wayed age6 badleyat bss ya3ne I'm sure my best friend would STRONGLY agree on:
- Simij (ya3ne semach)

Oo also laiman adares a7ad wandemej.. mathalan:
- Bri6in (Ya3ni Britain oo Brai6anya eb nafs el wagt)

5- The most creative way you can say "salam":

- Laiman asalim I always arfa3 eedi oo a9eer silent for some reason.
- Me and my sister say: Mogonda7 (for goodnight) and Bukhnadesombung (for goodmorning)... ee we're kinda strange.

6- If you could had to call your baby boy & girl American names, what would you choose?

hmmm... Taylor and Summer... (Just thought of them)

7- Your favorite teen actor and actress?

I have to agree with confessions here and say eli emathel Jacob Black! He totally made the movie worth watching.. I have no idea why hot guys don't walk around topless more often.

Oo girl actress, hmm... She isn't a teenager, she's our age bss she plays a teenager in 90210, Tate Duncan... Does that count?

8- Top 4 visited websites

- Youtube (ana akthar wa7da bedenya I use it lol)
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Google (I google wayed)

9- The youtube video you recommend the most?

I watch many movies, TV shows, Music videos eb Youtube, so i'd recommend everything.

10- Do you say Shakar or Shakir?


11- Do you play a musical instrument & what is it?

- I used to play the Trumpet... and i was pretty good too.

12- Who is the person you'd want to meet the most?

I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet paul walker.

13- Your most prized possession:

- My friends and family (yes they belong to ME! I have abandonment issues)

14- The word " scrumptious" makes you feel?

- It makes me feel sick... Because I pictured doughnuts and I'm SO FULL 7aliyan...

15- The song that reminds you of summer the most is?

Summer Jam For sure! I always imagine a beach nearby when i listen to it...